VS Code notes
Paste Image plugin¶
Path settings
Set Paste Image: Base Path
to ${currentFileDir}
and Paste Image: path
to ${projectRoot}/docs/images
so they go into an images subdirectory and are correctly referenced by the markdown files.
Spellcheck plugin¶
https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/vscode-spell-checker Turn on English (GB) by changing "cSpell.language": "en" to "cSpell.language": "en-GB"
https://wakatime.com/ Tracks coding work Remember to also install on the remote host if doing SSH remote work
Test items¶
EKORA® by Clinical IT©
Open styled details
Nested details!
And more content again.
Use Ctrl+Alt+V to paste.
- item 1
- item 2
Delete this O2